
[其他分类] 想学英文,零基础。

时间:2016-3-27 00:54 27 10044 | 复制链接 |
huahua88 发表于 2016-11-16 13:37 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 菲律宾 Globe电信
踏雪寻梅 发表于 2017-7-9 10:37 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 北美地区
本人女,19岁。在菲律宾大学念大二。乐观开朗,耐心温柔。 中英文听说读写流利,Tagalog目前学习中,可以听得懂简单对话。

因为自己英语学得好,想要把自己学英语的方法教导于人。不用传统的背单词死记硬背的应试教育,用新颖的学习方法指导学生,本人半年内就可以无障碍沟通了。学习语言经验丰富,我觉得我是个英文家教的不二人选。我的美国同学说我的口音竟然是美式口音,我觉得学习语言就要学的纯正地道。天天背单词看书学的语言是死的语言,是书面英语,而我擅长的是口语!欢迎电话咨询验证 0906 4464898 globe

另外我还有着丰富的中文教学经验,我的学生来自乌克兰,马拉西亚,新加坡,菲律宾,年龄5岁至40岁。因为英语流利,采用的是纯英语教学,学生掌握的快,以下附上我的中文教学简历。Hello,this is Mary Chinese Mandarin Private Home Tutor .my house(malate crown plaza condo. San Andres St Malate district, Manila).sorry for taking a break such a long time. I was redoing my teaching plan and went to China for a month.if u still want to learn a language which spoken by over 19% of the world's population. Then u can come to me.(◦˙▽˙◦)
my teaching model will base on how we learn our mother tongue, which is will focus on listening and oral skills on the early stage.About my supporting course materials will be provided by overseas Chinese language and cultureAbout the student who wants to pass the HSK, we will focus on master the HSK vocabulary, listening skills, test question and etc. We will also have the practice test provide from Confucius Institute Headquarters(HanBan)
if u r interested about the info of my teaching model(method), pls send me your email about more detail.i will open the class now. Let's set scheduled time.I am open daily from 8 am to 8 pm.thanks.my rate is 450 peso per hour, will hold the class in my place.(i don't have car and I am not familiar of the Philippine, sorry for the inconvenient).
thanks and god bless.(◦˙▽˙◦)

另外本人经常去旅游 杜马盖地,长滩岛,白沙滩,antipolo 去过很多地方。对当地很熟悉。希望有机会当导游

联系方式 qq 3241375171 微信 VISA143448 电话 09064464898
千与千寻我爱你 发表于 2017-9-19 10:17 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 菲律宾
千与千寻我爱你 发表于 2017-9-19 10:19 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 菲律宾
zhuanrang 发表于 2017-9-19 20:56 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 菲律宾
扣扣 2191241454

zhinan 发表于 2017-9-26 20:11 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 菲律宾
本帖最后由 zhinan 于 2017-9-26 20:18 编辑

不是我说什么,楼上小妹妹的英语语法比较差,简单读了下,which spoken 应该是which is spoken. If开头,一般就三种句型,没有后面跟then 的。
will base on, 应该是will be based on.   which is will focus on , 有见过用is will 的吗? 这种语法,雅思留学移民考试,直接5分。5分什么水平?基本上是高中水平。


优势: 能说中文,英语优秀,雅思7分以上,已移民加拿大。


收费的,工作日 晚上,18.30-21点有时间,周末一般都有时间在MAKATI/GREENBELT/AYALA/CITY LAND/MAKATI SQUARE 学习。去其它地方上门,需要额外时间和路费。


QQ:2191241454,加的时候写 学英语

I'm free to teach people English here in Manila.

Advantages: Native Mandarin speaker; good command of English; Band 7 or above in IELTS; have already gotten PR in Canada.

For those who want to learn English, update or progress English, those who want to take IELTS, can be your teacher.

The service is charged. Available schedule is 6.30pm - 9pm on workdays and usually no time limit on weekends.

Teaching venue: MAKATI/GREENBELT/AYALA/CITY LAND/MAKATI SQUARE;  Additonal charges for going somewhere else because it needs extra time and commuting.

1 hour one lession; minimum is 2 hours once.
大鱼hr 发表于 2019-8-15 18:47 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 菲律宾
马卡提 骑士桥 一对一专业的中英老师   有意向加我qq   874000999  备注英文咨询谢谢
Ken_ 发表于 2019-9-18 12:03 | 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 菲律宾
T0labUZpfi 发表于 2016-04-23 10:18

VX: 6309954889226那就一起,大家可以建一个群一起找一个老师一起学习
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