
英媒刊文称"必须将中国视作敌对国家" 中领馆驳斥

时间:2020-4-11 07:11 1 2510 | 复制链接 |


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  《每日电讯报》近日发表有关评论文章,歪曲、抹黑中国抗击新冠肺炎疫情的努力。中国驻英国大使馆发言人致函该报,驳斥错误言论,以正视听。全文如下: 贵报4月1日刊登报道《必须将中国视作敌对国家》,罔顾中国为世界抗击新冠肺炎疫情所付出的巨大牺牲和做出的巨大贡献,刻意诋毁中国,破坏国际社会团结抗疫的努力。同时,无视中英两国合作互利共赢的客观事实,公然鼓吹中英对立,毒化中英携手战“疫”的氛围,破坏两国关系的发展进而损害两国人民的根本利益。我们对此表示强烈不满和坚决反对。
  中英是国际抗疫合作的重要伙伴。习近平主席与约翰逊首相一个多月来两次通电话,共同传递了携手战胜疫情的坚定决心,也为进一步推进中英关系“黄金时代”指明了方向。中英关系本质上是互利共赢的,符合两国人民的根本利益。我相信,经过这场疫情的考验,中英互信将更加巩固,中英合作将更加深化,中英友谊将更加深厚,任何势力企图破坏中英关系都是不能得逞的!  在人类与新冠肺炎疫情做斗争的关键时刻,希望西方媒体承担起应有的社会责任,客观看待中国抗疫成效及中英关系发展前景,传递更多有利于促进合作、实现共赢的积极信息。
  Embassy Spokesperson's Letter regarding Telegraph Article Calling China Hostile State
  The Telegraph published an article entitled China must now be treated as a hostile state on April 1, which deliberately slanders China by disregarding China’s huge sacrifice and great contributions to the global fight against covid-19, and undermines the joint efforts of the international community. The article also openly incites confrontation and poisons the atmosphere of the joint anti-epidemic endeavor between the two countries, in spite of the fact that China and the UK have been having mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation. It is in total disregard of the fundamental interests of the people of both China and the UK. We at the Chinese Embassy in the UK are deeply concerned about and firmly opposed to the propositions of this article.
  China and the Chinese people have made strenuous efforts and huge sacrifice in this global fight against covid-19. In an open, transparent and responsible manner, China has released information to the whole world, cooperated vigorously with the international community and offered assistance to more than 120 countries, including the UK, and 4 international organizations. As Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO said, China “deserves our gratitude and respect” and China’s experience is “worth learning”.
  China and UK are important partners in the global response to public health emergencies. President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Johnson have held two telephone conversations in over a month, conveying the firm resolution of the two countries to work shoulder to shoulder in the fight against covid-19. They have also charted the course for China-UK “Golden Era” going forward. The relationship between China and the UK features mutual benefit and win-win cooperation for both countries and peoples. I believe that China and the UK can strengthen mutual trust, enhance cooperation and deepen friendship as we work together to overcome the challenge from covid-19 and the attempt to undermine China-UK relations will not succeed.
  At this critical moment for mankind, I hope the media would take up their due social responsibilities, adopt an objective view of China’s anti-epidemic efforts and the development of China-UK relations, and send out more positive messages that are conducive to promoting win-win cooperation.


diligence 发表于 2020-4-11 09:26 | 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 菲律宾 Bayan通讯公司用户
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