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中新网北京5月28日电 (蒋鲤):
美国脱口秀演员李·坎普日前在其主持的“今晚编造”(Redacted Tonight)节目中再度上演一场“好戏”,讽刺美国政客针对中国新疆人权胡言乱语,却拿不出一点证据。

中国多次邀请外国记者来访,向世界展示真实的新疆。法国作家、记者马克西姆·维瓦斯也两赴新疆考察,著成《维吾尔族假新闻的终结》, 揭穿一些西方媒体别有用心编织的谎言。然而,美国的某些政客一而再、再而三地“选择性失明”,在毫无证据的情况下,捏造谎言,攻击中国新疆人权,却对自己国内的问题视而不见。


Time for American politicians to seek justice for unfairly treated laborers in U.S.


American comedian Lee Camp satirizes American politicians talking nonsense about human rights in his program "Redacted Tonight" on May 21, 2021. (Photo/Video screenshot)
By John Lee

(ECNS) -- During his program "Redacted Tonight" on May 21, American comedian Lee Camp quipped about American politicians talking utter nonsense about human rights violations in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region without any evidence.

The Chinese government has on several occasions invited foreign journalists to visit Xinjiang. Maxime Vivas, a French writer and journalist who has visited the region twice, wrote "The End of Fake News on Uyghur People (Ouïghours, pour en finir avec les fake news)", which debunked the lies weaved by Western media.

However, some American politicians are selectively blind to the truth regarding Xinjiang, and choose to ignore their own domestic problems.

According to an NBC News report on May 12, hundreds of Indian workers recruited to build a massive Hindu temple in New Jersey were forced to work more than 87 hours a week for around $1 an hour, far below the minimum wage required by U.S. law.

Have the same American politicians shown any concern for their domestic human rights and when will they stop smearing China's Xinjiang and seek justice for the unfairly treated laborers in U.S.?

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