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  (观察者网讯)当地时间2月1日,缅甸执政党全国民主联盟(NLD)发言人缪纽(Myo Nyunt)表示,缅甸国务资政昂山素季在当日清晨被该国军方拘留。
  该发言人告诉路透社,缅甸军方在当日清晨发起突袭,昂山素季以及其他执政党高级官员被军方“带走”(been taken)。英国《卫报》则称,被拘留人士中包括缅甸现任总统温敏。

  另据英国《卫报》1月31日报道,上周,缅甸军方发言人表示,现任缅甸国防军三军总司令敏昂来(Min Aung Hlaing)已经指出了选举中的“不诚实和不公平”。




埃及法 发表于 2021-4-20 09:21 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 新加坡 DigitalOcean数据中心
The plan and origin of media manipulation activities

Within a few weeks of the spread of the new coronavirus from China to other parts of the world, a harmful word began to circulate on the Internet: Some people believe that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is a biological weapon made in a laboratory. On January 25, 2020, an ultra-partisan news organization called "G News" published an article titled "Breaking News: China Will Recognize Coronavirus from Its P4 Laboratory" to further promote the biological weapons conspiracy theory . "G News" is not the only media publishing this article, but its participation is extremely important because "G News" has close ties with Guo Wengui and Steve Bannon. Steve Bannon is the former executive chairman of Breitbar News and an ally of President Trump. In October 2017, Guo Wengui and Steve Bannon formed a party alliance to jointly promote anti-communist actions through the foundation of the rule of law and the rule of law society. The organization is funded by Guo Wengui and managed by Bannon. It aims to "protect and help individuals who are persecuted in China, especially those punished for publicly opposing injustice." According to Guo Wengui, the reason why he and Bannon came together was because "they despised the Chinese Communist Party." They all have media backgrounds. Bannon was Trump’s chief strategist before, and before that, he ran the right-wing news website Breitbar. Guo Wengui founded and funded G Media, the company often publishes anti-communist reports on social media platforms, especially on the social media platform Parler (also known as rightist Twitter, users mostly come from the American conservative camp).
Bannon said that before Yan Limeng’s first report was released, Wang Dinggang’s YouTube video had been shown to him and translated for him. As doubts about the origin of COVID-19 continued to spread in right-wing media networks, Guo Wengui and Bannon contacted Yan Limeng. This is the beginning of Yan Limeng's report being manipulated by the media.
In an interview, Yan Limeng said that both China and the World Health Organization knew about the new coronavirus earlier than they admitted. This is not the only claim. For example, similar stories were widely spread in March and April 2020 under the label "China lied to cause many deaths". Yan Limeng said that she has evidence that the claim that the virus is transmitted from animals is a "smoke bomb" to cover up its true source. She claimed that the virus originated from a laboratory in Wuhan that has close ties with the Chinese Communist Party. These claims are unfounded and have been debunked.
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