菲龙网编辑部7 发表于 2020-4-15 07:06



  【加州感染人数为何“远低于预期”?美专家表示新冠病毒可能去年秋天在加州出现】#加州人或已在流感季早期就遇到新冠#,为验证是否有部分“群体免疫”,研究人员已展开抗体测试。When asked about why COVID-19 cases in California state is lower than expected, Hoover Institute's Victor Davis Hanson told ABC News that people in California may have been exposed to COVID-19 last fall, helping the state develop an early herd immunity. The state recorded an early flu season in 2019. Stanford researchers are testing people for COVID-19 antibodies to verify the theory.

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查看完整版本: 美专家:加州人或已在去年秋天就遇到新冠病毒