春寒 发表于 2016-1-10 13:28



洪律师 发表于 2016-1-15 17:31

Hi, I am afraid the right to strike is protected under the Philippine labor law.However, you can verify if the complainants have complied with all the requirements and paper works prior to staging a work stoppage or labor strike.An illegal strike will subject the workers to various penalties under the labor code.
你好,我恐怕要告诉你 工人罢工是受菲律宾劳动法保护的合法权益。 但是,你可以去了解如果他们在罢工或者停工之前是否有走正当申请程序符合所有的要求并完成了所有的书面文件。按照劳工法,非法罢工的劳工可以受到处罚。
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查看完整版本: 工人要闹罢工该怎么办?