洪律师 发表于 2018-7-29 18:41

Hi, if your intention to enter the Philippines is valid and legal, there is no point securing escort services. In fact, these services are being monitored now by the airport authorities. But just say you got excluded ( A to A or airport to airport ), then what you should do is execute a valid Power of Attorney to authorise your friends or representative in the country to administer / sell your properties in the country. By the way, doing business or investing in the Philippines with only a tourist visa is a violation of the terms of your entry. 嗨,如果您打算进入菲律宾是有效且合法的,那么保证护送服务是没有意义的。 事实上,机场当局现在正在监测这些服务。 但只是说你被排除在外(A到A或机场到机场),那么你应该做的就是执行有效的授权委托书,授权你在该国的朋友或代表管理/出售你在该国的房产。 顺便说一句,仅凭旅游签证在菲律宾开展业务或投资违反了您的入境条款。
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