菲龙网编辑部7 发表于 2022-3-25 08:11


  The coldest location on the planet has experienced an episode of warm weather this week unlike any ever observed, with temperatures over the eastern Antarctic ice sheet soaring 10 Celsius to 33 Celsius above normal. The warmth has smashed records and shocked scientists.

以南极洲上空为中心,基于美国GFS模型对3月18日气温与正常气温温差的模拟 图源:WeatherBell
“这改写了南极气候学”,发表过南极温度研究报告的研究员Stefano Di Battista在推特上写道。他说,这种异常高温在实际发生之前会被认为是“不可能”且“难以想象”的。
  "Antarctic climatology has been rewritten," tweeted Stefano Di Battista, a researcher who has published studies on Antarctic temperatures. He added that such temperature anomalies would have been considered "impossible" and "unthinkable" before they actually occurred.
  What is considered "warm" over the eastern Antarctica is, of course, relative. Instead of temperatures being minus-45.6 or minus-51.1 Celsius, they've been closer to minus-17.8 Celsius or minus-12.2 Celsius. That's a massive heat wave by Antarctic standards.
沃斯托克站(Vostok Station)是一个位于东部冰原中心的俄罗斯气象观测站,距离南极极点大约1300千米,海拔3488米,其因观测到了地球上的最低温度(1983年7月21日的零下89.2度)而闻名。该观测站以往观测到的三月份平均高温在零下52.3度左右,但在3月18日,这里的气温跃升至零下17.7度。这也是该观测站建站65年来观测到的3月份最高温度。
  The average high temperature in Vostok — at the center of the eastern ice sheet — is around minus-52.3 Celsius in March. But on Friday, the temperature leaped to minus-17.7 Celsius, the warmest it's been there during March since record keeping began 65 years ago.

同时,在南极洲西部,冰盖正在减少——这里与南极半岛是地球上变暖最快的地区之一。此处的海洋暖流也加速了思韦茨冰川(Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier)的融化。这块与美国佛罗里达州面积相当的冰体有着“末日冰川”之称,它的融化占每年全球海平面上升的4%。
  The western Antarctic ice sheet is losing mass while western parts of the continent and the peninsula are among the fastest-warming regions on Earth. Warm ocean temperatures threaten to destabilize Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier, a slab the size of Florida that contributes about 4 percent of annual global sea level rise.

近来南极与北极温度与正常温度的差异 图源:ClimateReanalyzer.org
  The historically high temperatures in Antarctica follow a pulse of exceptional warmth on the planet's opposite end. On Wednesday, temperatures near the North Pole catapulted about 10 Celcius above normal, close to the melting point.
来源:科技日报 华盛顿邮报

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查看完整版本: 南极“高温”天气破纪录,比正常水平高约30度