菲龙网管理员8 发表于 2020-10-29 10:21

施超权洪聪晓一行献捐 菲律滨缉毒署抗疫物资

本市讯: 侨商施超权,洪聪晓,刘少强,庄伟东,Col. Edison"Bong"Nebrija 一行于10月19日专程拜访菲国缉毒署,并行献捐大米及抗疫物资。承蒙Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) Director General, USEC WILKINS VILLANUEVA 署长及各部份首长(Director III Charlene R Magdurulang, PDEA Chief-of-Staff; Director III Maharani Gadaoni-Tosoc of PDEA Logistics and Administration Service (D, LAMS ); Director III Derrick Arnold Carreon, Director of Compliance Service and Chief, Public Information Office (D, CS/Chief, PIO); Attorney Jacquelyn De Guzman of International Cooperation and Foreign Affairs Service; Director III Ronald Allan DG Ricardo of Preventive Education and Community Involvement Service; PDEA Service Directors, Chiefs-of-Offices and personnel )亲自接见接收,热情亲切座谈,交谈剖拆瘟疫荼毒危害性,交流抗疫措施,综合防控机制互动动能效应。政府担当以民为本拯灾,相关部门作则言传身教。民情担代配合支持,民调创历史新高。疫情趋缓,战胜病毒指日可待。且着重盛赞华社团体善翁仁士的爱心奉献精神,助力抗疫时艰纾困捐输物资慷慨善行道义价值观念,值得点赞!愿共同合作努力奋斗,防控疫情抵御蔓延,复工复产,还吾繁荣稳定社会环境,相向互动,共渡时艰以互勉。

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